Thursday, October 2, 2008

Do over the counter acne medicaation work

« ...The term acne comes from a corruption of the Greek ???? (acme in the sense of a skin eruption) in the writings of Aetius Amidenus. The vernacular term bacne or backne is often used to indicate acne found specifically on one's back....
...Acne Treatments And You...»
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«...In reality, teenagers that suffer from acne will have more than one spot so clearing one spot is hardly a reason to purchase anything. Also, teenagers that only get the odd spot every now and then won't need to buy any expensive products to remove their spot that will go on its own naturally. These companies are making millions every year out of the two scenarios just mentioned....»
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tags: how is get rid of acne, will tea tree oil cure acne, how the cure acne at home

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