Monday, August 4, 2008

Home made acne treatment and onions bad for acne

Acnezine customer testimonials claim that the product works and helps get rid of pimples permanently. But you must also remember that Acnezine is an oral supplement and you should always consult a doctor before taking in any pills. You must also read the caution label at the back so you know the conditions for taking it. Acnezine should not be taken by pregnant mothers or those who are currently nursing.
Benzoyl peroxide on the other hand, works by introducing oxygen into the pore thereby killing the p.acne pimple causing bacteria. The p.acne bacteria cannot live in an aerobic or oxygen rich environment. Normally, you can start with a 5% strength gel or solution. Although there are higher percentages available, it might cause skin irritation. Hence, using facial products with benzoyl peroxide decreases the chances of getting zits and pimples.
The worst food for acne is vegetable oil (such as the cooking oils like sunflower oil). This type of oil causes massive hormonal imbalance and results in cystic acne. By avoiding just this one food my skin cleared up significantly in just a few days.
tags: can dermatologist cure acne, best acne and acne scar removal, home remedies for getting rid of acne scars

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