Monday, August 4, 2008

Free trial proactive acne treatment and cystic acne getting rid off cysts fast

Before anything else, dead skin cells do not cause acne. So if someone at the store tells you to buy an exfoliant to treat your acne, ignore the message. Dead skin cells can be removed by using just a simple face cleanser.
The most common are benzoyl peroxide based acne treatment creams such as Clearasil or Proactive Solution. The key here is to know what benzoyl peroxide concentration works for your skin type and your skin condition. Small concentrations work best as high concentrations can be too aggressive and leave the skin dry or lead to more problems on long term.
When purchasing acne products, you should base your judgment on the quality, the effectiveness and safety. It may take a couple of months before you see optimal results because you need to let your skin have sufficient time to heal. That is why a system that provides 100% money back guarantee is practically risk free.
tags: the over-all best acne treatment reviews, where does hormonal acne appear, how to clear up post acne scars

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